Long ago, before the most ancient recorded texts of Azeroth's history, the Titans roamed the universe seeking to make order out if chaos. One particular planet they fancied was Azeroth. This planet was controlled and subjugated by powerful forces of evil, the Old Gods, who manipulated the elemental forces like puppets. Before the Titans could order this planet, they needed to take care of these gods.
An epic war ensued. In the midst of this war, the Old Gods, finding themselves at a disadvantage, linked themselves to the planet. If they died, Azeroth was destroyed. The Titans had no choice but to bury the Old Gods deep under the surface of Azeroth.
One such god has already been dug up. C'Thun, the great Eye overlooking Ahn'Quiraj from below, has submitted to the power of many adventurers. But one many times greater exists in the far reaches of the frozen north. In the Titan prison of Ulduar, Yogg'Saron has been freed and has overcome the minds of his keepers.
This was the voice I heard in the Howling Fjord. It was the Beast of a Thousand Maws penetrating my very mind to try to bend my will to his. I was strong. Many are not.
Soon the gates to Ulduar will open! Dare not enter if you value your life! Only the most worthy will survive entry, and they are not garunteed a match against The Beast! The Titans could not destroy this Old God of Death, what makes you think you can?
This is Not a Love Story
11 years ago