Monday, October 12, 2009

Prophecy Made, Doom Foretold

It's difficult to bring people to action about the end of the world now-a-days.

Last month I visited BlizzCon to warn all the most important people about Deathwing and now, a month later, people are still worried about the frozen zombie locked in his citadel. Don't get me wrong, the Lich King is a grave threat. But, guys! Worldwide cataclysm! C'mon, now. You can't tell me you're not concerned about that. I tell you Deathwing is about to show up and what do you do? You rush back into his daughter's lair to make sure she's dead, and then you go right back to Icecrown. Really?? You're not gonna storm Deepholm and get Deathwing while he's down?? Sure, the way might be blocked for now, but I'm sure a few gobblin explosives or gnomish drills should do the trick.

When I warned Thrall of the impending doom of the Burning Legion, he didn't sit around in anticipation. He took action! He rallied the Horde and moved out to Kalimdor! I'm beginning to think that maybe all adventurers are humans in essence. It was the humans of Lordaeron who would not listen to me and went about their business. And were, thus, destroyed.

Some time after the convention, I made a trip to Gilneas to warn them of the impending doom. Just a few select people who didn't really know who I was. Greymane wouldn't hear me. He swore his wall would stand forever. I've never faced such opposition to a prophecy before. It's like everyone is completely ignoring the boulder that they can clearly see tumbling down the hill.

By the way, it strikes me that the Gilneans, now turned into Worgen, will be accepted by the Alliance as ones whose unfortunate fate had turned those who were once human into monsters. Which is pretty much the same story as the Forsaken, who were denounced by the Alliance. Why is that? Is it because puppies are more cuddly than zombies?


DOOM AND CATACLYSM AND PERIL! yadda yadda yadda...

Just c'mon... I mean, at least send some scouts over Hyjal to check out that area. Humor me.