Saturday, February 20, 2010

Understanding that there are bound to be lots of variations, what's a "typical" day like for you?

Every day I wake up and cast a cleansing spell which beats indoor plumbing any day. Then I check my email before morning meditation. I do it in this order because meditation really doesn't do much for me besides lower a constant sense of urgency that I would otherwise have and if I find that someone has emailed me asking for something urgent... well, that sense is quite useful, then, isn't it?

After meditation, assuming I have no urgent business to attend to, I will go see what Moroes has prepared for breakfast. I admit that when I do have urgent business I will sometimes go without breakfast which will upset the poor castellan, but on this hypothetical day I indulge in a scrumptious breakfast of bacon, eggs and garlic toast.

After breakfast, I set about my day. With the Lich king no longer a threat, the days have generally been filled with preparation for the cataclysm to come. I've been studying everything I can about Deathwing, Azshara and the many foes promising to raise their heads in the coming days. I train myself to invent brand new, powerful spells to use against the enemy should I be called upon. I don't think that's likely, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

For those mortals who are used to training in an instant, it may be difficult for this short description to convey what I really go through in training. The heroes of Azeroth are only learning spells from those who have gone before. I, on the other hand, knowing all of these spells already, must completely reform the threads of magic to my will, visualizing a desired result and twisting the nether to fit that purpose. It's a very time and energy consuming practice.

When I've had enough of this, I will sometimes sit out on my terrace and enjoy the day, such as it can be enjoyed in Deadwind Pass. Sometimes Khadgar will come to visit and we'll play a game of chess. Sometimes I'll have to deal with intruders or fix the Curator (when only minor fixes are required).

Every week on Tuesday I make it a practice to visit a major city in disguise to gather supplies. I would send one of my servants, but, let's be honest, out of everyone here at Karazhan, I'm the one who looks and acts the most normal. During this time I learn of world events news of which has not yet reached my tower. When I return, we're ready for another week.

When night has fallen, every day, I do some REAL meditation. I sit and call upon the powers of Azeroth to show me the whereabouts and activities of every major threat to the planet. (Yes, this now includes even Bolvar.) If anyone knew exactly what I saw during this time, it may drive them mad, but I find it allows me to sleep soundly knowing exactly what my enemies and potential enemies are up to. Call me crazy.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ask me anything