Thursday, November 13, 2008

Northrend: Day 1

Upon my arrival at Northrend, I flew into the Forsaken military settlement of Vengeance Landing. Since its inception, the Forsaken have been characterized by their strong need for revenge against the one who twisted them into their undead forms, Arthas Menethil. It was by the hand of Arthas, the Death Knight, that Sylvanas Windrunner was torn from her body and then compelled to do the bidding of the Scourge. Ever since she broke free from his grasp, she has sworn upon his death. No, not death - complete destruction. It is no surprise, then, that Vengeance Landing was given this name.

What is a surprise is that vengeance against the Lich King is not what the Forsaken are fighting for at the Landing at this point. Old hatreds and prejudices have a way of following you wherever you go - even to the Cold North. During the Third War, the Alliance was assaulted by the Lich King's undead Scourge. Even though these creatures had once been their friends and family, they showed no mercy in ending their unnatural lives. When Sylvanas regained herself, she helped others to free themselves from the Lich King's waning grasp and, thus, the Forsaken were born. Now with minds of their own, they could be considered... a little less evil. A little more to be trusted. But the Alliance still sees them as a Scourge upon Azeroth. And they fight them wherever they find them. This is what the denizens of Vengeance Landing find themselves busy with: fighting off the disgusted masses of the Alliance.

I pity the Forsaken. Their entire life is a single-minded devotion to the destruction of the Lich King, the same goal for which the Alliance finds themselves in Northrend. But because of their ghastly appearance and their sketchy past they are scorned by those who were once their brothers rather than helped. And what is to happen once the Lich King is defeated? Where does the Forsaken go from there? Do they try to continue a normal existence as an undead race? Do they try to cure their disease of undeath? The answers to these questions, indeed even the questions themselves, elude the Forsaken. Their mind is set on the Lich King. Him first, and then the rest of existence.

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