Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Maelstrom (Part 6)

I stepped up to the gate. Two burly guards attempted to intimidate me with their glares. They might have stopped me if it weren't for two factors: Sharaniss was behind me, and I had a ring bearing the symbol of Azshara. It was still interesting that they let me alone, however. I expected them to at least open the gate.

"The gate is not locked," Sharaniss explained as he slithered ahead of me and opened it. "As I said, don't be fooled."

I walked up to the gateway curiously and reached my hand out. With my hand straight in front of me, I took one more step and my hand stopped on an invisible surface. The force of my hand created a purple ripple emanating from my hand to what appeared to be a huge dome much like the one that used to be over Dalaran during the reconstruction. The difference here was that it was invisible to the eye until touched.

I put the ring on my finger and touched the dome again. It seemed to bend a little to my touch. If my theory was correct, I could open the dome with a direct touch of the ring. I clenched my hand into a fist and touched the ring to the dome.

The water shook around us. For a moment I wondered if I had done the wrong thing. I recoiled my fist and a ring-shaped hole was where my fist was. The hole grew and I felt a sort of pulling. Tidal forces were trying to push us inside the dome. The pressure of the water must not have been quite as great inside. If the pressure of water worked anything like the pressure of air, I knew why. The great swirling forces of the magic shooting from the Rift caused the water to move more quickly within the dome, lessening the pressure and probably giving the dome more work to do.

I swam back away from the dome, but as the hole grew larger, I felt myself being tugged in. I was sure this was how it was supposed to work, however, so I allowed it. With a nod to my Naga companion, I plunged head-first into the hole and Sharaniss came with me. As soon as we were through, the hole closed again.

On the inside of the dome I could not keep my footing. The tidal wind was so strong on this side, that I slipped away freely. Sharaniss, however, being more versed in the way of the waters, grabbed my hand and dragged me to a relatively safe place. It was difficult enough to speak under the water, but when you're competing with the noise of the Maelstrom, it's nearly impossible. I could hardly keep my eyes open against the constant flow of water.

Before I knew it, we were within the halls of the palace. Sharaniss was able to guide us through the courtyard and into the greatly adorned under-water castle. In some ways it was much like a palace you might see on land. Perhaps the Naga kept some of their Elven heritage in tact. But the palace was not what I was looking for.

"Take me to the Well, Sharaniss!" I said, trying to speak over the watery wind that beat at the walls, "I have no interest in the palace!"

"I can go for you, if you wish," he answered, "But I cannot carry you the whole way! I have heard that the queen has a chamber that opens directly into the Rift! If we go through the palace, we can spare your puny land-limbs the embarrassment of trying to swim through the storm!"

I gave this some thought. I was hoping to avoid the queen altogether. Perhaps we still could, with the right plan. "Very well," I said. "Lead on."

"I know the interior of the palace as well as you, Prophet!" he said, "From here on, we are both blind!"

Sighing is a heavy business with water flowing through your lungs. But sigh, I did. Did I bite off more than I could chew? Did I jump into the deep end too soon, so to speak? I nodded and lead the way through the halls.

We didn't get too far before we were discovered. A female Naga with spiney fins protruding from her head, neck and arms walked in through a side door clearly on her way to another when she looked our way and snarled.

"Who are you??" she asked, "What are you doing here??"

"Fair questions," I said. "We come with a message for the queen. Perhaps you could show us to her."

"Queen Azshara, Light of Lights, does not accept messages from land-men! Guards! Come at once!"

Sharaniss leaned over and whispered to me: "Perhaps we were better off with you as a valuable prisoner and I as your captor."

I nodded.

Three guards entered the room and the female servant pointed at us. "Get them out of the palace!"

The guards nodded and I prepared potent spell.

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