Monday, April 27, 2009

Magic and the Addiction Thereto

The following audio clip can be used for many purposes, and I will probably reference it again in the future, but my purpose in this entry is to focus on Mae'Than's defense of magic.

Let me backtrack a bit. Raven form has many boons. For example, I am able to be places where people cannot see me. I am able to spy, if you will, on the happenings of true events. As an example, the deliberations on the induction of the Sin'Dorai into the Horde. When I looked into that particular meeting, I knew it would be an historic event. I therefore recorded it with a magical audio recall spell.

In the following recording, representative Mae'Than of the Sin'Dorai approaches the counsel lead by Cairn Bloodhoof and makes his case for why the Blood Elves should be officially accepted into the Horde.

[Download here]

I think the representative's argument for magic speaks for itself. Magic is, indeed, a powerful force and is something to be wielded wisely. But one should not mistake the use of magic for addiction. Without magic, all life would cease to exist. To take Mae'Than's argument further, there are the same amount of molecules in a dead body as there are in a living body. There is practically no distinction that could possibly be made between the two except that one moves around, thinks, breathes and speaks, while the other merely takes up space. What makes a living body live? Magic.

Magic is the lifeblood of all beings on Azeroth as well as Draenor. Without it, we would cease to be. Just because mages, warlocks and other classes have learned its ways and call upon its force to do increasingly impressive tasks does not mean that they are addicted. It simply means they have been able to use magic as a potent tool.

It is true that after long exposure to great amounts of magic one feels symptoms of withdrawal. But in the same way, when exploring a high mountain one may become dizzy and increasingly fatigued from the lack of oxygen. That does not mean he is addicted to oxygen. Oxygen is just as necessary to life as magic.

I pity the plight of the Blood Elves. After being away from the loving cradle of Karazhan for a while, I, too, feel a sense of fatigue and withdrawal. But we must not allow ourselves to fall into a panic simply because our air has run thin. Such panic introduced Kael'Thas Sunstrider to fel magic which corrupted him and his followers. Remain vigilant and never forget that true magic comes from within. Harnessing such energies is the work of our own will, not that of demons or fallen Erodar. If we remember this, we will have learned the lesson of the Sin'Dorai.

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