Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Wrath Gate and the Treachery of Verimathras

There are no words for the pain I feel for the Forsaken and for the Horde at this moment. The treachery perpetrated by one of the Forsaken's own this day brings a heaviness to my heart that is unparalleled. It is something one must see to appreciate.

When I heard the Horde was about to storm the Wrath Gate, I knew something spectacular was going to happen. In order to capture the moment, I conjured an image recording spell. What I captured... was not what I had hoped to see.

I stopped the spell at that moment because I knew Putress was not acting on the Horde's behalf and I must see what was happening in the Undercity. Sure enough, when I got there I saw Thrall battling with a modest battalion alongside Lady Sylvannas against the forces of the Royal Apothecary society and demons under the command of Varimathras. The Horde was trying to re-take the Undercity.

Varimathras became Sylvannas' servant after the Banshee Queen regained her ability to think for herself. The Dreadlord helped her against the forces of Arthas, the Death Knight, and the Scourge, even to the point of (supposedly) killing his brothers as a show of loyalty. Since then, Varimathras had been a "loyal" advisor to the Dark Lady, defending her against anyone who would challenge her and taking some of the ruling workload off of her.

Putress, on the other hand, did not have such a sketchy beginning. He had fallen to the Scourge just as the rest of the Forsaken and regained his mind with the help of the Dark Lady. It was not long before his skills as an apothecary lead him to a leadership position in the Royal Apothecary Society of the Forsaken. He played key roles in producing the Forsaken Blight, which you saw spilled on the forces of the Alliance and the Horde in front of the Wrath Gate. Needless to say... no one survived the actions of this traitor. Except... for the Lich King.

One is left to wonder what the rest of the Forsaken think of their plight. Surely they would take revenge on Arthas, but on all the living? Let us hope Putress and his followers are the only ones who would take vengeance to such an extreme. But can anyone be certain? This is the question on the heads of the Alliance at this time.

As I watched with pride as Thrall and Sylvannas took down Varimathras, it was not long after until King Varian Wrynn showed up with a small contingency of soldiers to challenge the Horde. Words were exchanged. The King expressed his distrust for anything related to the Horde and threatened to kill its leaders where they stood. He struck Thrall and the orc's companions defended him. Were it not for the actions of Jaina Proudmore, the fate of the Horde would have been decided that moment.

Jaina froze everyone in their tracks and teleported the Alliance soldiers and king away. Although it seemed to end well, Thrall, were he any less of an orc, may have buckled down and cried. The Horde had been working for peace ever since they broke free of the Blood of Mannaroth. And now, with the treachery of one Forsaken apothecary, all that they had worked for had vanished.

All they could do now... was return to their kingdoms. And, as Surfang said to Thrall: "Lead your people."

My strength has since been fully restored. The Dragonblight remains unexplored by me. After I have taken time to consider what I have witnessed, I will take off again and, perhaps, learn more of the intentions of Malygos.

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